Different Types of Labradoodle Puppy Coats

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Labradoodle puppy coats come in a range of colors and textures, so labradoodle owners are spoiled for choice when choosing their fur baby. Read on to discover more about Labradoodles and labradoodle coat types.

What Are Hypoallergenic Dog Coats?

Hypoallergenic dogs have less of a thick coat than many other breeds. A highly shedding coat presents a higher risk to allergy sufferers than non-shedding dogs like a labradoodle puppy.

While no dogs are 100% allergy-friendly (you can’t remove saliva!), our genetically tested doodles can be a great fit for individuals with dog allergies. We’ve tested for generations to make sure our puppies are clear of shedding genes.

How Do Labradoodle Puppy Coats Change?

labradoodle's puppy coat shedding - puppy standing on the grassAs a dog with one of the most allergy-friendly coats, there are a few practicalities to keep in mind when it comes to your labradoodle pooch and its coat. Pretty much every labradoodle puppy goes through a coat change, which is separate from a shedding coat.

The puppy coat is eventually replaced by an adult coat, which comes with more grooming requirements.

Still, you’ll need to brush your labradoodle puppy regularly and be careful to do it correctly. We’ll offer tips on grooming your puppy’s puppy coat and adult coat later on in the article.

Types of Labradoodle Puppy Coats

One of the best things about labradoodle dogs is the wide range of choices with regard to appearance. If you’re trying to decide which Labradoodle puppy coats suit your family and home, you can use this explanation of the doodle coat type as a guide.

Wool Coat

You can determine if your Labradoodle puppy has a fleece coat. You’ll start to notice at around five weeks old. You can identify fleece coats by the way the fur sits between the eyes, as this area starts to get curly first. This is the curliest coat type, but it still comes in a variety of types.

Some dogs with a curly coat have a cotton-type coat, which is the softest but also incredibly high maintenance. Others have a dense, curly coat that’s similar to sheep’s wool, while others have a new-style coat in tight coils that open up to reveal the skin underneath.

Labradoodle puppies with wool Labradoodle puppy coats are mainly non-shedding and can make great companions for pet owners with allergies. You’ll need to brush your wool-coated labradoodle on a daily basis to keep their fur clean and comfortable.

Fleece Coat

Doodles with a fleece coat require a little less maintenance than the other types of doodles, but they still need weekly brushing and plenty of TLC.

A fleece-coated labradoodle is the result of combining a curly wool coat gene with the gene for a straight coat. They’re mostly non-shedding but more prone to it than doodles with wool coats.

Areas such as the ears and collar are particularly prone to getting matted, so be sure to pay close attention to these areas when you brush your fleece-coated labradoodle once or twice per week.

Hair Coat

A labradoodle with a straight coat has inherited most of its fur genes from its Labrador retriever parent. Doodles with a hair coat are the rarest type, and they’re more prone to shedding than the other styles.

A puppy with a hair coat won’t show any signs of curls or waves, and you’re most likely to find them in first-generation litters.

Something interesting about Labradoodles is that their Labradoodle puppy coats change as they get older, so your hair-coated labradoodle might get a wave to its fur as it gets older.

Weekly Brushing Tips

Labradoodle coats -closeup shot of cute puppies doing dog sports at dog parksProvided you’ve got the time to learn how to correctly care for your dog’s specific Labradoodle coat and can dedicate hours each week to keeping your dog’s straight coat, wavy coat or wool coat clean and tidy, it’ll stay in top condition.

While you can also take it to a professional groomer on a weekly basis, this can incur hefty grooming costs.

Most labradoodle owners opt to take their dog to a groomer once a month or two and do regular adult coat maintenance themselves. Here are some tips for taking care of all Labradoodle shedding:

  • With puppies, keep in mind that you’re making space for a new coat. Use the correct type of dog brush and be sure to get all the way down to the skin.
  • Your dog’s skin requires gentle exfoliation during the brushing process, so remember that you’re not just detangling the fur; you’re also removing dead skin from the surface.
  • Be mindful of your doodle’s sensitive ears, which are prone to infection and must be carefully dried after each bath and regularly brushed to remove tangles.
  • Give your dog a brush before and after bath time.
  • Use a shampoo that’s specially formulated for your dog’s fur type.
  • Trim the fur around your doodle’s eyes to prevent infection and maximize vision.

When Do Labradoodle Puppies Lose Their Puppy Coat?

All puppies eventually lose their puppy coat to make way for their adult coat, this goes the same with Labradoodle puppy coats. This often takes place when they’re between the ages of six and 12 months, and the labradoodle coat change shouldn’t be confused with labradoodle shedding, which occurs with other types of dogs. You might find the new type of coat is totally different from the old coat.

labradoodle puppy coat sheds often between ages 6 months to 12 months

Coats and Generational Differences

The amount of hair your dog sheds varies between puppies, but generational differences can also play a role. First-generation doodles shed slightly more than second-generation doodles, with multigenerational Labradoodles shedding even less.

If you’re looking for an allergy-friendly dog, second-generation and beyond are recommended. We genetically test each breeding parent to make sure the shedding genes are not passed on to the puppies in our training program.

Get a Puppy Today

Whether you want a fleece-coated, wool-coated, or hair-coated puppy, Pride & Prejudoodles can help you find the Labradoodle coat type you’re looking for.

We adore the breed and have a wide range of Labradoodle puppies for sale to choose from, with different color and type of Labradoodle puppy coats. We can even deliver a fully trained doodle puppy direct to your door if you like![/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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