Labradoodle vs Goldendoodle: A Side by Side Comparison

A “doodle” is a mixed-breed dog that combines the traits of a Poodle with the traits of another dog breed. Two of the most popular doodle crossbreeds are the Labradoodle and the Goldendoodle, both of which make excellent additions to the family. The Labradoodle combines the traits of a Poodle with the playful temperament of the Labrador Retriever, while the Goldendoodle blends the qualities of a Poodle with the affectionate nature of the Golden Retriever. Although both dogs are part Poodle, they have some distinctive differences we’ll cover in this post. Labradoodle vs Goldendoodle, which Doodle breed is best for you?


Looking for a lovable companion? The Labradoodle and the Goldendoodle are two poodle mixes that fit the bill as they inherit desirable characteristics from both parent breeds. Since the Labrador is often calm and affectionate, the Labradoodle has the same traits. As a pet, the Labradoodle is bound to make you smile with its extroverted personality and strong desire to spend time with human family members. Goldendoodle’s temperament is similar, as Goldendoodles are gentle and affectionate. They are also extremely sociable, making them excellent family pets, however, this outgoing personality means they aren’t typically suitable as guard dogs.

Both breeds are highly intelligent making them great family dogs, but this also gives them the potential to be trained as service dogs or therapy dogs. In the Labradoodle, this intelligence comes in handy, as the dog typically knows when its owner is busy and doesn’t have time to play. Labradoodles also have a sixth sense about what is happening, making them well-suited for busy homes or homes that get a lot of visitors. The standard Poodle and Golden Retriever are among the most intelligent dog breeds, so the Goldendoodle is a smart pooch capable of figuring things out quickly. Due to its intelligence and extroversion, it is important to set boundaries for this breed early on; otherwise, the Goldendoodle may have difficulty reigning in its energy level and enthusiasm.


When comparing the Labradoodle vs Goldendoodle, the most distinctive difference is the coat. Purebred poodles have tightly curled hair, which gives them their distinctive appearance. In contrast, the Labrador Retriever has a coarser, thicker hair follicle. All Pride & Prejudoodles’ Labradoodles are coat tested, so should have long, non-shedding coats (unlike many Labradoodle breeders), but many still have a glossier, thicker coat than the fluffier Goldendoodles. Labrador Retrievers also come in a variety of coat colors, so a Labradoodle’s coat naturally comes in yellow, chocolate, white, cream or red. However, since it’s part Poodle, they sometimes come in some of the fun Poodle variations (parti, brindle, merle, etc).

Golden Retrievers have a thinner hair follicle, but more hair overall, so they tend to have a fluffier, wavy look. Golden Retrievers naturally have cream, caramel, gold, or red colored puppies, but Poodles come in all colors, so Goldendoodle puppies can be those colors plus black, chocolate, parti, brindle, merle, etc. All Goldendoodles through Pride & Prejudoodles come from coat-tested parents to guarantee against shedding.


Due to their attractive appearance and desirable personality traits, both the Labradoodle and Goldendoodle are extremely popular. They are especially popular among people with allergies, as with proper breeding, they should shed much less than other breeds. Pride & Prejudoodles’ breeding process uses the most modern DNA testing technology available to ensure this. The lack of shedding means these dogs are far less likely to trigger allergic reactions or symptoms.


Labradoodle Grooming

Due to differences in their coats, the Labradoodle and Goldendoodle have different grooming requirements. Labradoodle puppies need to be brushed regularly, as their adult coats often do not grow in until they are approximately a year old. Regular brushing prevents matting and keeps the puppy’s coat healthy. Once your puppy is used to brushing, it’s a good idea to start giving it regular trims with a pair of scissors. To ensure the dog’s safety, use scissors with rounded tips, especially when you trim the hair on the face.

If you decide to take your Labradoodle to a groomer, be sure to provide detailed grooming instructions before the dog’s first appointment. Labradoodles should be groomed in a specific way, especially if you want your dog to maintain its trademark Labradoodle appearance. For example, the groomer should use a long blade to trim the bulk of the coat. The Labradoodle is meant to have full-looking legs, so the groomer must be careful not to trim off too much hair. For best results, trim your Labradoodle’s nails once or twice per month.

Goldendoodle Grooming

Goldendoodles also need regular grooming. Otherwise, your dog’s adorable features will quickly be obscured by long hair. When trimming the coat, you have a few options when it comes to length. Some owners prefer to trim the hair so it’s the same length all over the body, with the exception of the feet, face and tail. How long you leave the hair is up to you, but remember that longer hair tends to get matted, which means you’ll need to brush your Goldendoodle frequently if you decide to leave the hair long. Another option is to keep your Goldendoodle’s hair short all over, which makes it easier to keep the dog clean. A short cut is also more comfortable during the dog days of summer. You could even give your Goldendoodle a layered look by cutting the hair so that it tapers down to the legs.


Labradoodle Training

Their high level of intelligence makes Labradoodles fairly easy to train, as a Labradoodle puppy is quick to learn new commands and has a strong desire to please its human companions. The ability to learn new things quickly can be a double-edged sword, however, as the Labradoodle may also pick up bad habits if you don’t dedicate enough time to training. Due to their friendly, affectionate nature, Labradoodles don’t respond well to aggression, so be prepared to be patient as your puppy learns how to behave properly.

Initially, Labradoodle training should focus on building a positive relationship between you and your dog. Your Labradoodle needs to know that it can trust you, so avoid yelling or making gestures that could be interpreted by the dog as threatening. During the first training session, establish yourself as the leader of the pack. Once your Labradoodle knows you’re the leader, it will listen to you and follow your commands. One way to establish yourself as the leader of the pack is to be careful not to give your dog too many treats. A treat should only be given when your Labradoodle follows a command. Otherwise, your dog will not understand its place in your family, and you may have trouble getting it to follow your rules.

If you have children, make sure they know how to handle a puppy. Children should not pull the puppy’s tail, scream near the puppy or be too rough with them. Otherwise, your pup is likely to display undesirable behaviors as a response to stress. For best results, your Labradoodle should be on a schedule from the time it’s a puppy. Setting expectations helps ease anxiety and ensures that your canine companion knows what to expect while living with you.

When you start training your Labradoodle, one of the most important things you can teach it is to wait patiently. If you teach your dog to wait, you can avoid jumping and other undesirable behaviors in the future. The best way to accomplish this is to show the Labradoodle you have a treat and then ask it to sit and wait. If the dog runs toward you, paws at the treat or jumps on you, take the treat away. Only give your Labradoodle the treat if it sits and waits for you to take action. Otherwise, your dog will think it can get what it wants by displaying undesirable behaviors.

Goldendoodle Training

Due to the similarities in their personalities, the training methods for Labradoodles and Goldendoodles are fairly similar. The Goldendoodle has a strong need for socialization, as it’s a friendly, high-energy dog. Good training is also important to ensure the Goldendoodle isn’t bored. When a Goldendoodle is bored, it turns to destructive behaviors, so it’s important to provide plenty of opportunities for enrichment.

To socialize your Goldendoodle, take it to a local dog park or look for a puppy playgroup in your area. In a pinch, you can also invite friends and family members to come to your house and meet the dog. Just make sure everyone you invite knows how to interact with a puppy without scaring it or coming off as overly aggressive. Once your dog is comfortable, start introducing it to new people and new circumstances. A hiker with a backpack, a person on a bicycle and someone wearing a hat are all people your dog should meet, as your puppy needs to get used to people who look and smell different from you.Like Labradoodles, Goldendoodles are usually quick to catch on when it comes to learning new commands and following the rules. Just be sure to establish that you are the pack leader or your Goldendoodle may decide that it would rather have fun than listen to you when you tell it to get off the couch or stop jumping on people. Goldendoodles need consistency and structure, so try to do a training session at the same time each day. Also, don’t confuse your dog by using different reinforcement methods each time you engage in training. Goldendoodles get frustrated when they don’t understand what’s going on, so consistency is the key to successful training. Once your Goldendoodle has been socialized and learned basic training commands, try walking or hiking together to help the dog use up some of its energy.


How Big Do Goldendoodles and Labradoodles Get?

The size of a doodle depends on whether you have the standard, miniature or medium version. Standards typically range from 21 to 23 inches high for females and 22 to 24 inches high for males. Miniatures are tiny, as they are typically 14 to 16 inches high. Mediums are slightly smaller than the standard version, with females ranging from 17 to 19 inches high and males ranging from 18 to 20 inches high. Standards are the heaviest, as they typically weigh anywhere between 50 and 65+ pounds. The miniature version can weigh as little as 15 pounds or as much as 30 pounds, while the medium Labradoodle typically weighs anywhere from 30 to 50 pounds. Follow the link to read our guide to learn how big do Goldendoodles get?


As a mix of the Poodle and the Labrador Retriever, a Labradoodle can have health problems that are common in either breed. Labrador Retrievers and Poodles often develop hip dysplasia. Although Pride & Prejudoodles’ has done their best to rule out genetic causes, sometimes environmental issues, such as over-exercise or an imbalanced diet, can cause it to appear anyways. With proper care, the typical life span of a Labradoodle is 15 years, making this breed an excellent choice for a long-term companion. Our guide on the lifespan of a Goldendoodle will be really helpful to understand that breed.Since Goldendoodles are part Poodle, they may also develop hip dysplasia as they get older. Eye conditions and a narrowing of the aortic valve are also possible, as these conditions are associated with Golden Retrievers. Again, working with a reputable breeder can help you reduce the risk of these problems, as quality breeders are vigilant about using only the best dogs for breeding purposes. Goldendoodles have an expected life span of 10 to 15 years.


How Much Do Goldendoodles and Labradoodles Cost?

High-quality doodles typically cost between $1,500 and $3,500. The cost depends on several factors, such as location, the health testing performed on the parents, the food/healthcare expenses, the breeder’s reputation for excellence, standing by their health guarantee, etc.

If you’re looking for a Labradoodle for sale or Goldendoodle for sale to add to your family, remember that the cost is a reflection of the breeder’s reputation and the quality of the puppies available. Quality is important, as good breeding practices can help you avoid common health problems and ensure you get to enjoy many years with your new companion. This is why you should always work with a reputable breeder. Feel free to contact us today to learn more!

Now that you’ve learned about the differences between each breed and have most likely chosen your favorite you can read our comprehensive guides for Goldendoodles and Labradoodles to get the complete understanding of the Doodle breed you love best.

Contact Us for More Information on Adding a New Doodle to Your Family!

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